Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I'm fully aware that there are plenty of things in this life that I take for granted. Someone along the way has spoken up, fought, struggled or even died for the freedoms that I readily enjoy today. So I pause to reflect. I give thanks.

But it doesn't end there. That goes against the entire grain of thinking of legacies and the evolution of mankind. Each generation is supposed to prepare the way for the next. What am I doing, what are we doing, to make a better tomorrow for our children? And for our children's children? I often feel so wrapped up and concerned about myself and present status that I don't really think of that often. But wait. Won't my own struggle for success and satisfaction bring about a change that will allow my children to experience a greater degree of freedom? I suppose that is the kind of rhetoric one must consider. Let's say I get a good job, save money, get rich and so forth. That of course would allow me to establish a level of personal success and gratification that I have been struggling and striving for. But then we look to the future. Maybe I earn/save enough money to send my kids to college. That's preparing a way for the future right? Sure. But that itself isn't the substantial and sustainable kind of freedom that I have been equipped and empowered to obtain.

For such a time as this, I believe that our generation has been tasked with the goal of preparing for the future in ways that are unprecedented. In generations past, less emphasis has been shared on the topic. At present, we are reaping the benefits of the implied lack of emphasis on sustainability. As leaders of our generation, let us step up to the plate as visionaries and agents of change to empower a world beckoning for change. Let us emphasize freedom for today, tomorrow and forever. In each and every way we can, let us be the change.

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